For many businesses the year of 2021 will be a year of recovery. If, like countless businesses across Australia, you are looking to recover your business and find new ways to market your goods and services online search engine optimisation can be a great way to increase your online visibility for a relatively low output. unlike paper click marketing channels such as Google Ads and Facebook search engine optimisation is effectively free.
The only caveat being that you need to be able to understand what makes a website rank. if you have no experience with SEO, it might be a good idea to work with an SEO Canberra company who can help you with the foundational elements to get your website on track. Kick start your journey this year we have put together a list of 4 simple ways that you can improve your Google rankings.
Don’t Try to Do It All on One Page
bring a vast array of different goods and services online it is not possible to rank all of these keywords on a single page. You need to map out little pages for the different goods and services that you’re offering and ensure that you have a page that is specifically set up to rank for that search time.
Don’t Try to Cut Corners
When it comes to search engine optimisation – you need to take a long-term approach to what you are doing. one of the biggest mistakes that many businesses will make this year is that they will try to get over night rankings by implementing black hat SEO techniques that should not be used. Set your business back many years in the organic search results by trying to cut corners.
Do Competitor Research
In order to get to the top of the search Frankie t need to understand what your competitors are doing. make sure you take the time to understand how they are requiring their online traffic and what you can do to potentially take some of that traffic away from them. We recommend key with an SEO company or using a third-party SEO tool that can help you to understand how a competitor is acquiring their organic traffic.
Invest in Content
Creating high quality content is the fastest way to get in Google good books. if you want to create hey website that stands the test of time you need to create Evergreen content resources that provide real value to your users. Think about all the questions that are relevant to the goods and services that you are selling and then create valuable resources that improve the research phase for your prospective audience.