Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) refers to a hormonal condition in which ovaries become enlarged and develop several follicles (fluid-filled sacs). These underdeveloped sacs meant to develop eggs, cannot release the matured eggs once you have PCOS.
Women with this condition usually have irregular, heavy or no menstruation, become obese and develop acne. Other common signs are unwanted hair growth, loss of scalp hair, inappropriate male features, depression and infertility.
If you have any of these symptoms, you must visit a reputed maternity hospital to get yourself diagnosed for PCOS. But never should you believe in the myths that are associated with this condition. Here are some common PCOS myths debunked.
Myth 1: It Has Been Caused By You
Although the precise cause of this condition isn’t known, you’re not responsible for it. But certain factors like genetics can play a role.
The presence of androgens (male hormones) determine the development of male traits. Women with PCOS usually have excess androgens. Their follicles accumulate fluid and ovulation is disrupted. The follicles may become cysts. So, the body may not be able to produce the hormone progesterone that’s required to regulate the menses.
Women with PCOS who release excess oestrogen (female hormone) over a long term can develop a buildup of the uterine lining. This is a main risk factor for uterine cancer.
Women whose sisters or mothers have this condition, are more likely to get PCOS.
Myth 2: You Can’t Get Pregnant with PCOS
This isn’t the case for everybody. Visit a good maternity hospital and seek suitable PCOS treatment like fertility treatment. Certain medications can stimulate ovulation, which can help you in this case. There are even other fertility treatment options including assisted reproductive technology like in-vitro fertilisation (IVF).
If you have PCOS and don’t want to get pregnant, consider using contraception nevertheless. That’s because although it’s difficult to get pregnant with PCOS, several women still ovulate at irregular intervals.
Myth 3: PCOS Will Go Away if You Lose Weight
By shedding weight, obese and overweight women can help regulate their hormone levels. If that doesn’t help, PCOS treatment is needed to manage symptoms.
Various treatment options are available in a renowned maternity hospital to help prevent any major problems.
Lifestyle changes like regular exercise and healthy eating can help in regulating hormone levels by improving how the body uses insulin.
Birth control pills can also be helpful if you don’t wish to get pregnant anytime soon. They can bring down your androgen levels by regulating your menses. These pills are also said to mitigate the rising risk of endometrial cancer by reducing the amount of time for which the uterus is exposed to excess oestrogen. But you must consult the doctor before taking these pills because they are sometimes related to a heightened risk of blood clots, mainly in women over 40 and obese patients.
If you wish to get pregnant, fertility medications could be useful by stimulating ovulation. Sometimes, a surgical procedure like ovarian drilling can also help you ovulate successfully by reducing your androgen levels.
Some of the PCOS treatment options, especially surgical methods can pose certain risks. It’s important to visit a renowned maternity hospital for surgical treatment to minimise the chances of any complications.