Soil injection is an environmentally friendly and landscape friendly method used for foundation repair. This method is cost-effective and involves the use of non-toxic water-soluble chemicals like potassium ions and ammonium salts, hence environmental conscious. Foundation damages result from the swelling and shrinking of soil when it absorbs and loses water. The purpose of the soil injection method is to minimize and terminate the property of soil that makes it capable of shrinking and swelling when the moisture content varies. Clay soil absorbs water which makes it expand during rainy seasons and contract during dry seasons. This technique is best effective when the damages have covered a small area i.e. less than 1.5 inches and not exceeding 10 feet in the interior of the structure.
The process of soil injection Texas requires the use of equipment such as two tanks of chemicals, hoses, pumps, reels, and injection wand. Application of the chemicals is done around the foundation and holes can be drilled in cases where the property is surrounded by driveways, decks, and other paved surfaces. The high pressure in the wands drives the liquid into the soil that is to be treated. The amount of liquid is injected into the soil should be monitored using a gauge. The process is done for two days and if effective it is not possible to identify the areas through which the injection was done. Interior damages are repaired by drilling the floors to introduce the chemicals.
This technique aims at reducing the water retention capacity of clay soil. Chemicals used are non-swelling chemicals that stick to the clay hence reducing its ability to attract water. The chemicals work by sticking to the clay molecules hence taking the part that would otherwise be taken by absorbed water. They create a moisture barrier when injected into the soil since they are attached to the soil creating a coating. This helps to prevent foundation upheaval by enhancing soil stabilization in the area. Additionally, the chemicals used are non-toxic and some of them act as fertilizers when in dilute concentrations.
When soil is exposed to extreme weather conditions such as high temperatures and precipitation it is likely to change in volume. Clay soil can have an upward or heave movement and downwards movement, hence deflecting. This impacts greatly on the foundations due to the massive pressure that results due to such shifting. The soil stabilizers injected help to reduce such movements therefore minimizing resulting damages. Soil injection is an effective solution because
- It strengthens soil holding capacity
- It has durable results
- It is a safe method of soil stabilization
Soil injection stabilizes the soil by the introduction of chemicals into the soil via injection hence the soil structure and particles are not disturbed. When the chemicals enter the soil mass, it replaces the water and prevents the soil from absorbing any more moisture. The injection method differs depending on the penetrability of the chemical in the soil. Some can be done through spraying while others require the application of high pressure to achieve chemical penetration into the soil.