Plagiarism is copying another person’s creative work either intentionally or unintentionally. Plagiarism happens in students’ papers for classes or in their research reports. To put it in simple words, it is the act of passing off someone else’s writing as one’s own.
One may come across different types of plagiarism. For example, direct plagiarism is the transcription of word-to-word of a work. Deliberate plagiarism is academically dishonest and unethical. Self-plagiarism is the mingling of a student’s previous work without the respected professor’s permission.
Mosaic plagiarism is borrowing phrases without using quotation marks or using synonyms that do not change the content’s original meaning or structure. Paraphrasing is academically dishonest. Another kind is accidental plagiarism that happens when someone paraphrases similar words or sentence structures, not intentionally.
Plagiarism for College
In college, plagiarism does not only hurt the students but the University plagiarism checkers also. Plagiarism prevention is necessary not for being fair and ethical but for making the most out of education.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to know what causes plagiarism and how to prevent them. Various plagiarism detection tools are available online now to avoid plagiarism. The ideas and words of an author are his intellectual property. Moreover, others must respect that.
However, an accused student may file a report, which would allow him/her due process in the course of action.
How Can Plagiarism Affect A Person Economically?
There are copyright laws to sue a plagiarist and impose fines and other penalties. Plagiarism in colleges and universities or higher studies come under the realm of academic dishonesty. Students should be careful regarding their papers or thesis. To avoid plagiarism is not tough these days as various plagiarism detection software and free plagiarism checkers are available online. Apart from that, they must take a proactive approach before submission.
Visual plagiarism also includes copying logos, photography, and artwork. The reasons for plagiarism are numerous. As the Council of Writing Program Administrators says, students, take refuge in plagiarism because of fear of failure, poor time management, carelessness, and disregard of consequences. The famous ‘Grammarly’ application gives premium services and valuable feedback on grammar and provides plagiarism detection software.
Failing a grade is another lenient repercussion of plagiarism. Sometimes, the consequences are assignment-specific. It may affect a student’s quality or leads to course failure. The penalty for ignorant first-time plagiarizers is not that serious. Teachers advise them to attend workshops and seminars on plagiarism. However, the punishment is severe in extreme cases. Discipline and training are mandatory to combat plagiarism.
Legal Consequences
Students, if guilty of plagiarism, may face several potential consequences of plagiarism. The checker may put through the students on campus judicial system. The persons those are guilty of plagiarism face legal ramification for infringement of copyright. However, one can use a portion of someone’s writing personally, but he must attribute and mention the source.
According to the copyright laws, all the works published between 1922 and 1978 have the legal protection of 95 years. The current online learning environment is causing more harm than compels students to use snippets from various sources from all over the web.
Creativity ignites writing. Plagiarism is a severe academic offense Thesis checkers are there to detect plagiarism, but fraud cases in academia are on the rise. In the last year alone, 3600 teenagers violated the ethical codes of conduct, and it was a sharp 9% rise from the previous year.
Various disciplinary probations are there for students to follow religiously. To avoid legal penalties, students can check for plagiarism before submitting a paper. Misdemeanor offenses include a jail term or fine for an individual guilty of plagiarism. Apart from legal consequences, there is personal, ethical, and professional plagiarism also. The repercussions of plagiarism are hard to bear, and it makes the student ashamed undoubtedly.
The attempt of plagiarism in college, a plagiarised thesis may damage one’s career in the future. Some universities are there to place their students on disciplinary probation. The act of dissertation in academics is a severe offense, and it comes under academic integrity code violation. An alleged student may face dismissal from the university and expulsion from the course.